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Helpful Insights & Tips
Here are some useful insights and advice to help improve your sales effectiveness.
What To Look For In A Successful Salesperson
If you asked a room full of people about what skills a good salesperson would possess, you would probably hear things such as confident, friendly, good at negotiating and other generic personality traits, as well as solid sales experience. But this is all completely...
6 Key Benefits A Sales Process Will Bring To Your Organisation.
The vast majority of businesses we come into contact with (around 90%) either do not have a sales process or believe that the process they do have is effective (when in reality it’s the opposite). Our own comprehensive research shows that only 3% of people and 4% of...
7 Quick Tips For Sales Managers To Become Better Coaches.
Top sales managers coach to grow and develop their salespeople through effective conversations. They believe that coaching drives positive behavioral change and keeps their sales team optimized for performance - their minds are set to win, their skills fine-tuned,...
Catch People Doing Something Right!
A research report from the Corporate Leadership Council states: “The most effective drivers of employee performance are often under-emphasised, even excluded, from performance management as traditionally defined.” This research identified that fair,...
What Can “Undercover Boss” Teach Us About Frontline Leadership?
Undercover Boss is a TV show where bosses work in disguise alongside their employees. It’s an opportunity for them to truly experience the front line leadership within their organization, and to discover how this is impacting the engagement of their employees. The...
Is your leadership training a waste of time and money?
Many organizations provide leadership training, however, the skills learned in the training are often not applied. Getting managers to apply what they have learned in the training is a major challenge for many organizations. When leadership training stops at the...